How To Entice Gen Z Into Your Business

What Constitutes Gen Z And How Can Employers Entice Them

Hero image Gen z in the workplace

Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, is the youngest generation capable in the workforce.


They range from individuals born between 1997 to 2012. Furthermore, they are raised with technology effectively by their side from a young age. Thus, members of Gen Z that are adults are some of the most technologically capable people.


In terms of current working conditions, Gen Z is one of the most vulnerable workers due to the effect of the coronavirus pandemic. Some factors are layoffs or salary cuts of their parents, laid off if they worked in the service sector, etc.  


Thus, many factors come into play when trying to hire Gen Z. Nonetheless, their traits in the workforce are impressive even at such a young age.

Technologically Advanced

Technology has been engraved upon them for such a young age. Therefore, the training needed for navigating devices such as phones or computers is minuscule compared to older generations.


Furthermore, they are excellent when answers for their job come quickly by using a search engine, increasing their skills with the knowledge they have gained without any intervention. 



With the characteristic of them effortlessly managing with technology and quickly finding answers from them, their skills with adaptability are top-notch. 


Having grown up with technology, they learn fast and are resourceful.They can smoothly shift to other departments with the right guidance and resources. 


Appreciation For Coaching

Their thirst for knowledge is prevalent not only in technology but also in the workplace. That is why for Gen Z, the mastership and skills that the boss can bestow are greatly appreciated by them. The coaching and lessons that the boss gives not only the experience but also the social etiquette of the workplace. However, bosses need to have the right values that Gen Z respects. For example, too rigid a structure or unethical leadership will turn Gen Z away. 

Understanding Gen Z’s preferences, behaviors, and backgrounds may help recruiters create more effective strategies to attract this generation to the current workforce.

Here are seven tactics the team can use to appeal to Gen Z candidates.  

Gen Z’s metric for choosing a job comes with financial security compared to other generations. Job hopping is a commonality for achieving such an endeavor. 

Therefore, giving them the appropriate salary gives them the impression that you respect their skills and treat them with what they deserve.

Another factor with Gen Z is their dream of career growth. Therefore, if they fit the criteria for promotion or an increase in their paycheck, it will show that they are progressing with their careers.

Especially with the onset of the pandemic, the concept of flexibility cements workers for years and years to come, with Gen Z fully embracing this idea.


The concept of flexibility is not only limited to working hours or their tasks but also flexible responsibilities. Ask them if they feel fit within the department, and have an inquiry session about their strengths from their work. Lastly, analyze their answers and see if they are more fit to go to another department or change their current roles. 

Within your online presence is a clear statement with your job descriptions.


Inform with what you are expecting for the role and what are the skills necessary. Inquiries that also relate to an individual’s timezone. Due to remote work, anyone can apply. Therefore, they may be across the globe. 


Furthermore, a narrative about your company is needed, letting them know what culture you have crafted in your business.

With Gen Z being more exposed to various inequalities and social issues in the world, showing what mission your company is doing and your actions to address it earns respect and admiration from Generation Z.


Choosing which social issues to address comes with the appropriate alignment with your company, yourself, and your people to have the suitable methods to navigate it.

The hybrid setup due to the coronavirus enabled company culture to be different from the norm. Thus, knowing how to create a great virtual business culture encourages employees to feel that they belong and that their occupation is suited for them.

One is to open up and share the company’s stories, beliefs, symbols, and norms. Communication shapes culture and outlining and ensuring alignment of values can help retain workers

The trends of 2022 have been similar to what we have been seeing for the past two years. Some of these trends will likely stick for quite a while. It is  vital that a company know the current tides in the working climate since this will let you have a prediction of what is to ensure tomorrow.

Trends like these can also give off early warnings of massive changes. It provides leeway to change your company, securing and improving your business.

From the beginning, inform your applicants about how the environment is in your company, whether it be remotely or on-site. Let them know if there are certain days where you conduct a destresser, or perhaps tell them stories of your business that brought entertainment and culture to all of your employees. Immediately informing this lets them create a mental picture of whether or not they are a fit.

Not only is Gen Z more in tune with social issues, but they also care more about how the company runs. Therefore, having a good work/life balance is essential to attract these young workers. 

Generation Z is the youngest workers, but in a few decades, they will be the ones behind  the wheel, dictating what happens in the working world. 


Moreover, some of the key concepts here to entice are not one-size-fits-all for the entire generation of these young workers. Thus, communicating before they are hired about what to expect with your culture and what they will be doing is still vital for you and them to see if they fit your business.

Global People is a leading local employment solutions provider for national and international corporations and can advise and escort you in your next destination.

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