Work Pass Holders In Singapore On Hold

Singapore has stopped accepting new entry applications for work pass holders from higher-risk countries or regions due to Covid-19 and the emergence of new virus variants with immediate effect, except for workers needed for key strategic projects and infrastructural works.

Who will be allowed to enter?

The Manpower Ministry on May 7 said it will also reschedule entry into Singapore for work pass holders who had earlier obtained approval to come to the Republic.


Work pass holders from higher-risk places who were approved to enter Singapore before July 5 will no longer be allowed to do so, except for those from the construction, marine shipyard and process sectors and migrant domestic workers:

  • Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process (CMP) work pass holders who have earlier obtained approval will be allowed entry as approved, except for a small group with planned arrivals in June who will be rescheduled to arrive in subsequent weeks.
  • Migrant domestic workers who have obtained earlier approval will be allowed entry as approved except for some with planned arrivals prior to 7 June who will be rescheduled to arrive in subsequent weeks.
  • Other work pass holders who obtained approval to enter prior to 5 July will not be allowed to enter. We will inform employers on when to re-apply for entry when the situation has stabilized and will prioritize them for entry approval then.

Are any other safety actions been taken?

Singapore has been tightening COVID-19 border measures in recent days. The border tightening control also includes extension of the stay-home notice (SHN) period for travelers from higher-risk countries or regions, from 14 days to 21. Only travelers arriving from Australia, Brunei, mainland China, New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are exempt.

On Apr 22, it announced that all long-term pass holders and short-term visitors with recent travel history to India will not be allowed entry from Apr 24 due to the worsening COVID-19 situation there. On May 2, this was extended to include those with recent travel history to Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Due to the restrictions, companies that have traditionally relied on migrant workers from India and Bangladesh are faced with a shortage of workers and are looking for alternative options.


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