Immigration & Work Permits

Global People's Immigration and Work Permits Service

Global corporations wishing to expand to international markets often choose to relocate management and personnel from their headquarters to launch and operate their offshore operations.

Since every country has specific regulations regarding immigration and work permits, all relocation aspects must be dealt with to ensure a quick and effective relocation process, full compliance to national regulations and employees content.

Why Use our Immigration and Work Permit Service?

Our Immigration & Work Permit effective services

We make things simple, rapid, and safe for both employers and employees, thanks to our 5-step work process:

We map the company’s activities offshore to make sure it fits local regulations.

We help define the employee’s job description, status and relocation period to suit the needed visa and work permit.

We advise on gathering comprehensive and accurate portfolios, including validating original and translated documents, for both the employee and their partner and family.

We manage the application process effectively to ensure both visa and work permit will be handed in as soon as possible.

We issue requests for work permit extension, modification of personal status, etc. 

Keep calm and start expanding abroad!

As immigration law and regulations change frequently, companies relocating employees must always comply with the current regulations.

We at Global People have a network of local experts that keep you updated and take the appropriate steps to keep our clients on the safe side and make sure that they are always fully compliant.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding immigration, visas, and work permits

When it comes to relocation, we know that laws and regulations regarding immigration, visas and work permits might seem startling.
We are here to make it simple by clarifying some of your questions:

What is a work permit?

A work permit, also known as a work visa, is a certificate allowing a non-citizen to take a job in another country. The work permit is issued by relevant ministries, usually by the Ministry or the internal affairs department.

How to get a work permit?

Every country has a specific application procedure that must be followed meticulously. Failing to comply with the application procedures might lead to severe sanctions for both the employee and the company.

What are the work permit requirements?

Requirements for work permits are numerous and complex. We recommend using a company with both experience and reputation in immigration and work permit services to meet the requirements successfully.

How to manage a work permit application process?

Managing a work permit application process is challenging, and failing to meet the requirements during the process may lead to a refusal. We strongly advise companies to outsource this service to make the process rapid and straightforward.

What is a Work Visa?

A work visa is granted to foreigners that applicated successfully for a work permit. A work visa is imperative for people relocating. As in work permits, laws and regulations differ from country to country and must be handled by experienced professionals.

How do I take care of legalizations and translations of documentation?

Legalizations and translations of documentation are an essential part of the application process and dossier. We at Global People know precisely what documentation is needed for each application and how to translate and validate them to complete the application process effectively and rapidly.

Do the employee's partner and family need visas and work permits?

As a rule, every person relocating for a significant period (that differs from one country to another) must obtain an appropriate visa. In all cases, a tourist visa is not enough. Global People manages all family members' applications to make sure that all companions are safe and sound.

We know you have questions. We are here to help you get the answers. Contact us now!

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